Friday, September 7, 2007

It's been a lifetime waiting for now.

Uhm, school.
Ewgrossword. Okay, I'll admit, it's not that bad. Today was the first time I didn't come home with a headache from Mrs. Leonard's voice. I swear to god, it makes my brain go all tingley and shit, they gives me a headache. Speaking of, I'm getting one now. Gee, I sure am looking forward to that algebra homework...
Now, algebra really isn't that bad. I mean, sure, I'm not all that crazy about math, but at least I have a good teacher. I always feel really stupid in that class, though. Because I never really considered myself all that smart, and I find most other people in that class quite intimidating. Well, whatever. I only have 177 more days to live through. Mrs' Leonard always reminds us how many days we have left at the end of class... in that voice... oh, god, I feel a headache coming on...
Just one thing to say about English; Mrs. Pollard is SCARY nice. Seriously, it creeps me out sometimes.
Studio is easily my favorite class EVER, followed by French, just because Madame Nye is the best teacher on the face of the planet. I'm almost done with my folder cover in studio. It looks kind of crappy, I realized at the end of class today... do I care? Well, not really. I know, how awful. I'm supposed to care about art. Generally I'm a perfectionist. I spent several weeks on my Davey Havok drawing, how could I not be? Oh, I'm working on Frank Iero now. So far it's just the outline of his face [I've been neglecting it lately, shame shame] but I'm working on it. Well, I will be.
And French... well, I'm sure some of you know how simply amazing Madame Nye is. She's my favorite teacher this year. Haha, she took a few seconds to recognize me at the beginning of the school year. Pretty much everyone has... which kind of sucks because most of my old teachers don't say hi to me anymore... probably because they have no idea who the fuck I am.
Well, not really.

Okay, you knew it was coming. Musichattime.
First of all, I absolutely LOVE The Academy Is... William Beckett has an amazing voice. Have you seen their new music video? It's beautiful. Oh, and the butcher wears cool pants at their live shows. I saw them on MTV live. It was joyous. Another favorite of mine is Taking Back Sunday. I really like their album Where You Want To Be. It's genius. And I want their first album, and their EP. That would probably make me happy. Just like buying SKSK new album. Pouyan has cool hair, hehe =] Aiden's new album is sensational. It's pretty different from their old stuff, and I like it. Redeemer finally came in the mail yesterday. The thing that I like about Norma jean is that i can never pick a favorite song by them. I usually listen to the whole album, then I'm like, okeyyy, let's play that again... and again... and again...
Oh, by the way, Again, Again, and Again is probably my favorite Blaqk Audio song. Just saying.

Woohoo, blog!
I'm too lazy to check over everything, so please excuse any errors. My brain thinks faster than I can type [which is THE MOST annoying thing in the world] and I always skip words or letters...

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Uhm, okay. Sorry, but this is simply hilarious.

Gerard&his pink under wear.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

As ice cold hands rip into your heart

So, a while ago I drew Davey Havok. I kind of kept forgetting to put it up here, but uhm, now I remembered! woohoo! So, by the way, this took me forever and I kept screwing up, so eventually I was just like, gahhh fuck it. And I called it done. Haha. Herahhh it beee...

He has quite striking features... they're pretty tough to replicate on paper... but I did my best, eh?

Saturday, August 11, 2007


I couldn't go to warped tour yesterday...



Friday, August 10, 2007

Fuck love, give me fire

Or Sonny Moore...

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You know, he's been missing from myspace for the past few days, which really makes me sad. I hope he's working on new music. That would make me happy again. Like Imogen Heap does.
Haha, I know. Shut up.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

I have a new goal in life. It's to work up enough courage to actually go on this thing.


And I obviously didn't take this... found it on youtube :D
Lol but I love the screaming girls at the end. It made me giggle a little bit.
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